

All is for consistent

Why choose DecentraCompute?

The internet is currently dominated by a few tech giants, who control user data and infrastructure. This "data hegemony" allows them to abuse personal user data and threaten business continuity through single points of failure, even being able to shut down entire software ecosystems. This centralized data ownership is not only the root of single points of failure but also an easy target for censorship and government control.

The trust and neutrality of internet infrastructure are crucial for changing the current situation. Decentralized models are inherently neutral in design, as they do not have centralized ownership or control, operating like true democratic systems. Their design architecture makes it nearly impossible for any participant to control the entire system, as the incentives of other participants prevent such a scenario.

DecentraCompute is an open, distributed, peer-to-peer protocol designed to achieve trust and neutrality with the following features:

Similar to internet protocols like HTTP, the DecentraCompute protocol has no restrictions on who can join as a provider or participate as a client. Entering the computing market or renting resources from the market does not require approval, KYC, or similar procedures. There are no requirements for hardware performance, location, or ownership.

It is impossible to censor who uses DecentraCompute or the content executed on DecentraCompute. Clients and providers find and work with each other using the protocol. Providers may filter the content they execute based on local regulatory restrictions, but since clients are not limited to specific providers, there are always options to meet client needs.

Minimal trust
The DecentraCompute network operates on the Aqua protocol, which ensures encrypted security, authentication of all application requests, and adds proof and auditability to each execution. This significantly reduces reliance on provider reputation, brand, or credibility. Clients now trust the protocol rather than specific providers.

Collective ownership
The DecentraCompute network is governed by the DecentraCompute DAO, where any DecentraCompute token holder can participate. The DAO manages protocol development, updates, and allocates funds to enhance and grow the network. DecentraCompute is collectively managed by its community, rather than a traditional corporate structure.

In summary, DecentraCompute provides users and developers with a trusted, secure, and democratic computing resource platform through its open, decentralized, and neutral design, freeing them from the limitations and risks of centralized control. This makes internet infrastructure fairer and more resistant to manipulation, providing a more stable and secure foundation for future development.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.