

All is for consistent


A few days ago, when my younger brother was filling out his college application, I couldn't help but recommend the computer science major to him. Although I'm not sure why I recommended this major, it's probably because I myself am studying computer science. In reality, in the current environment, besides computer science, there don't seem to be many other majors worth recommending to choose from. However, considering the current job market, whether it's computer science or other majors, they have all become more difficult compared to the past. Nevertheless, compared to other majors, I still believe that the future of computer science is more optimistic. These are just some of my personal reflections.

However, most people who choose to study computer science are likely attracted by the high salary rather than a genuine passion for the field. I still hope that those who choose to study computer science can do so out of a love for the subject. Recently, developers in China have faced some unfavorable setbacks, such as the application filing process yesterday and the cancellation of VueConf today. China's software industry already faces some challenges, but these acts of resistance will undoubtedly have a greater impact on the industry's development. I truly don't understand the reasoning behind these decisions.

I would like to share a link with you: A Missing Semester in Computer Education. Although some people start learning about computers at a very young age, such as during elementary school, they are the minority. This phenomenon does not represent the situation of the majority. I believe this actually reflects the failure of higher education in China. The content taught in universities is mostly outdated, and the backgrounds of the professors are mostly related to educational institutions (of course, this does not include some exceptional universities, please understand any inappropriate generalizations). However, there are indeed some excellent resources available, such as the CS Self-Study Guide. But how many people are aware of such high-quality resources? Therefore, I really hope to establish a platform specifically for Chinese college students, gathering various excellent resources.

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